Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Frindle by Andrew Clements

Book Summary by Becky:
Nick created a new word for a pen. He called it a frindle. Nick got all of his friends to use the word frindle. The English teacher, Mrs. Granger, told them not to use the word frindle. She made several kids stay after school because they said the word frindle. Parents were mad, and the principal visited Nick's home.

A reporter heard about the word frindle and put a story in the newspaper. Soon the word frindle spread across the country. Nick was even on TV! Kids everywhere started calling a pen a frindle.

Ten years later, when Nick was in college, Nick's word frindle was entered in the Webster's Dictionary. Mrs. Granger sent him a copy of the dictionary and a letter telling him how proud she was of him.

Frindle Mania:
Check out these cool frindles designed by our students.

BubbleShare: Share photos - Find great Clip Art Images.

Interview with Nick:
Our class made up interview questions for Nick, the main character in our story. Listen to find out what Nick has to say.

Interview 1_ Victoria, Faith, Joe.wav -

‌Interview 2.wav -

Interview 3.wav -

Build Your Own Dictionary:
Our classs had a chance to create our own words like Nick. Click the link to see some of the words that we made up: http://www.wordcentral.com/byod/byod_index.php

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